Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Keeping Up With Kimber - 39 Weeks

How Far Along: 39 Weeks
Size of baby:  Watermelon...and it feels like one!
Total Weight Gained: You don't want to know
Maternity Clothes: Yoga pants and anything stretchy! It is getting extremely difficult to put shoes on. 
Gender: Girl! Kimber Diane Haik
Movement: She has dropped even more and kicking like crazy.
Sleep: Still on the couch, I have tried sleeping in my bed but it is just too soft. I also need back support and the couch helps.
What I miss: I have a loooonnnngggg list....sleeping in my bed, sleeping on my back, not swelling, shopping for normal clothing, having a glass of wine with dinner, wearing my wedding ring.....I could go on and on but I will do without because I know it is well worth it!
Cravings: Ice cream, banana cake, and anything pumpkin
Aversions: Nothing but shopping on Black Friday I had extreme anxiety being around all those people.
Symptoms: Pretty intense Braxton Hicks contractions, however I learned that taking a warm to hot bath or shower before going to bed has really helped. 
Best Moment this week: I know she will barely be a month old for Christmas but I order our stockings and put up the tree. I am extremely excited. Also we put the car seat in the car, we are beyond prepared!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Baby Shower #2

My second shower was in Springfield for my husband's side of the family. It was hosted by two of his cousins. Sorry I did not get as many pictures.

I love this little purple outfit!! 
Now I know why I did not have a lot of pictures....I look huge and my hair was out of control!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Baby Shower #1 -

Sugar & Spice 
Having Kimber will be so Nice
hosted by my sister Jessica

The shower was at a family friend's bakery in Odessa...The Mixing Bowl. Mary also made our wedding cake. She makes the most delicious cake ever!!

The next few pictures are the decor. The theme was a tea party! The piggy bank is from Auntie Jessica and is for Kimber's Shopping spree.

Diaper Cake made by my sister and Diaper Wreath made by my mom.

  The is the bumper pads from my parents. I know you are not supposed to use a bumper so don't worry when she is sleeping in her crib we will take them out. I had to had one for decor.

The party favors....Thank You for attending Janelle's Baby Shower, now she is ready to POP!

Didn't my sister do a wonderful job??!!!! I absolutely loved my shower!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Keeping Up With Kimber - 38 Weeks

How Far Along: 38 Weeks
Size of baby:  Watermelon...and it feels like one!
Total Weight Gained: Who cares at this point!
Maternity Clothes: I prefer to wear my yoga pants at all times. I have managed to wear my dress a few times. 
Gender: Girl! Kimber Diane Haik
Movement: Oh man has she dropped. I can feel her kick my ribs and move her legs and feet all the time.
Sleep: Sleep....what is that??? I sleep for about two hours at a time. 
What I miss: Oh gosh at this point I have no clue. All I can think about is when will she decide to make her appearance.
Cravings: Sweets!  same ole same ole
Aversions: Nothing
Symptoms: Pretty intense Braxton Hicks contractions. I thought for sure yesterday was the day. I thought I was having true contractions so I started timing them and called to ask the nurse, she said nope you are having Braxton Hicks...really???!!! The swelling in my legs and feet is so much better.
Best Moment this week: I have been working so hard to complete my Thank You cards from all of my showers and I only have about 8 left!! At this point I really don't know because I can't remember a darn thing.

I went to the St. John's Women Center last Wednesday to learn about breast feeding and how to pump. Man there is much to know! It really was overwhelming. I definitely recommend all new moms to meet with Shelia there, she is wonderful!

I am currently trying to eat spicy foods, walk a lot, and to do several squats every night. I have a doctor appointment tomorrow so I am excited to find out how I have progressed. My dad thinks I will have a Turkey baby and one of my coworkers thinks the 25th. I'm not going to get my hopes up because every time I think something is going to happen it is a false alarm.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Interesting Gift from one of my Account Representatives...

On Monday, I had a meeting with one of my Account/Sales Representatives from the resort I have used for the past three years for my work's annual convention. Since he knows I am pregnant, he brought me a gift bag from their spa and this was in it....
Look Good Naked!! I think he was a little embarrassed because he kept saying over and over "the spa manager put the gift together and I did not look at it until my wife pointed it out"!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Great Day at Work!!

Look what I got today!!
I did not ask for one however my boss insisted I needed one. Not really for sure what I will use it for but I am sure when I am away at events it will be handy. 

Then my coworker brought me Andy's!!! No complaints about today!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Maternity Pictures

A few of my favorites! 

Now for a belly shot...
Pictures were taken by Andrew Bowser in Springfield, Mo.

Keeping Up with Kimber - 37 Weeks

How Far Along: 37 Weeks
Size of baby:  Watermelon...and it feels like one!
Total Weight Gained: Who cares at this point!
Maternity Clothes: My maternity shirts are getting a little short. 
Gender: Girl! Kimber Diane Haik
Movement: I think she is pushing on my ribs and running out of room. 
Sleep: I am able to sleep but I still wake up exhausted like I did not sleep at all.
What I miss: This week I really missed going out with my friends since they were in town for my last baby shower. I went to dinner but I barely made it to ten.
Cravings: Sweets!  
Aversions: Nothing
Symptoms: I guess I was having true contractions last week but did not know. I told my doctor about my back hurting and he said that was contractions. I have not felt them since. I have been having braxton hicks but those have calmed down. It also hurts to walk but I am fine once I get going.
Best Moment this week: At my 36 week check up the doctor told me I was 80% effaced and 1 cm dilated. He had a very surprised look on his face and in his tone of voice that got James and I really excited. Nothing happen so now I feel embarrassed getting everyone else excited. Oh well it is all new to me. We even ran out that night to complete our shopping list. So now we are 100% ready! 
After my doctor told me of my progress, I spent Thursday and Friday stressed at work trying to everything done and everyone caught up on what to do. (I may have over reacted)

I have been walking more hoping to help things along and I think I have used my jetted tub more this past week than in the 3 years we have lived in our house. Speaking of house...I would really like a bigger one. We feel so cramped!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Keeping Up With Kimber - 36 Weeks

 I'm huge and this shirt is not flattering. Also, I need to wear eyeliner!
How Far Along: 36 Weeks - Less than a month!!
Size of baby:  Honeydew - still the same size according to
Total Weight Gained: I think I am going stop counting. Is it bad that all I can think about is working out and losing weight?
Maternity Clothes: As you can see in the picture, I hate how you can see the line at the top of my stomach. I guess that is a sign I am about to pop. 
Gender: Girl! Kimber Diane Haik
Movement: I think she is pushing on my ribs and running out of room. 
Sleep: Still the same as last week. I prefer the couch to my bed since I can use the back to help support my back. I get really hot at night so sleeping in the living room I can turn the fan on and kick off the covers.
What I miss: Normal activity and having a tan. (that is normal for this time of year)
Cravings: Sweets, I can eat and eat and eat desserts. 
Aversions: Nothing!
Symptoms: I can't remember anything which is making work really difficult.
Best Moment this week: Since I can really feel her, I have been trying to figure out which body part I am feeling.
James acting like a professional photographer making me pose.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Weekend Update

We had a great weekend that started with going to Art Walk that is downtown Springfield the first Friday of each month. Of course I forgot to take pictures....I really need to get better. Since we got a late start we only went to my friend's place of employment, Obelisk Home. I love everything about that place and it makes me want to redecorate my house. Then we went to Twilight Grill for dinner, thank goodness we had a gift card because we will not be going back and I don't recommend it.

Here are pictures from the rest of the weekend...

Saturday Morning I made mixed berry muffins...Yummy!
 While I was baking, Harvard was busy playing with all of his babies.
 I took a break from browsing on the internet and came back to find this....

When James got home from work, we ran some errands but that did not last long. The traffic and mall were crazy busy. I guess it is holiday shopping time. We tried 5 places to get me the new iPhone and all were sold out. We went to Sam's Club to get these LED lights that can be placed under cabinets or in closets. We got them for above the sink.
For some reason our builder did not put lights above sink. I am really happy with the LED strip of lights. We went to Hobby Lobby and found a lamp for Kimber. After our little outing that only lasted maybe 2 hours I was done and my feet were killing me. The rest of the night we worked on Kimber's room and basically finished it.

Sunday morning we got up an hour early since we forgot to change our clocks but that is ok since we were going to church. I just had more time to get ready. After church we went to Village Inn for breakfast.

James tried the chicken and waffles and I had french toast. He does not recommend the chicken and waffles. He ate half of them and was done. 

We came home to found this....
Harvard sleeping away on my pillows. I forgot to put them back on the bed so he took over.

Before we started in with an afternoon of cleaning, organizing and watching football we started the chicken chili and cornbread for dinner. The chili took about 5 hours to cook in the crock pot and was absolutely delicious with the cornbread!

James also wanted to use our kitchen aid mixer that I got for a wedding gift. So he decided to make monkey bread using a monkey bread mix. 

I helped with rolling the dough into balls and coating them in cinnamon and sugar. I forgot to take a picture of it when it was done but I recommend using biscuits and a easier recipe.

That about sums up our weekend!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Keeping Up With Kimber - 35 Weeks

How Far Along: 35 Weeks
Size of baby:  Honeydew
Total Weight Gained: 27 pounds
Maternity Clothes: I love to wear tights! They are so comfortable compared to maternity jeans. 
Gender: Girl! Kimber Diane Haik
Movement: She is still very active probably more active than ever. A lot of websites say that you should not feel them move as much during this time but they are wrong.
Sleep: Still the same as last week. I prefer the couch to my bed since I can use the back to help support my back. I get really hot at night so sleeping in the living room I can turn the fan on and kick off the covers.
What I miss: Normal activity.
Cravings: Nothing this week
Aversions: Nothing!
Symptoms: I am not having as much swelling which I am really working on. I think drinking lemon water really helps. I am just really uncomfortable and maybe experiencing Braxton Hicks but I am not sure.
Best Moment this week: Watching James carve a pumkin for Kimber's some what 1st Halloween. I think it took him around 2 hours. It was really cute. We also attended an all day preparing for childbirth class on Saturday. It was really nice to see what the Labor and Delivery area of the hospital was like. (the best part was spending all day Saturday with James...never happens)

We went shopping on Friday night to get stuff for the hospital bags. We probably over bought but I feel a lot better. I have slowly been working on backing my bag. We also experienced our first trip to Target to buy baby items and it was difficult. We bought all of her bath items. So many choices of shampoos and want is baby oil used for???!!!! We have so much to learn. 

My goal for this week is to finish my thank you cards from both showers and to finish packing my bag and the diaper bag. 

I really want a pedicure!!! Maybe I will treat myself to one on Saturday.