Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Keeping Up with Kimber 4 Months

As you can see, I am a week late on posting Kimber's four month update. I really need to get better at keeping this up-to-date.

Kimber is growing up way too fast in my opinion. I just don't know how I feel about it. I know it's going to happen but I am really enjoying this stage. I know call me crazy but I love her being so dependent on me.

She had a doctor's appointment on Wednesday, April 11th so here are her stats....
Weight - 12.14 pounds
Length - 24 inches
Head I can't remember.

She is in the 25 percentile for weight, 50 percent for length and 75 percent for head. I was shocked by her weight so I made them weigh her twice! I just can't believe my 9.3 pound baby at birth is so tiny now.

She is right on target with her development. She is giggling, recognizing people and voices, rolling over, and saying one syllable words. (didn't know I needed to pay attention to syllables right now)

The only thing we need to do is transition her to her crib. She has started sleeping on her stomach so I am totally freaked out about her being away from me. I check on her so much during the night. So to ease my worries, I ordered an Angel Care monitor. We already have a video monitor but I just need her movement to be monitored.

Here are some pictures!

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