Kimber Diane Haik is ONE!
December 9, 2012
{shares her birthday with GiGi, who turned 80}
Weight - 18.7 pounds
Height - 28 1/2 inches
Head Size - 18 1/2 inches
Clothes - Mostly 12 month but can still wear some 9 month shirts
Shoe Size - 2
Diaper Size - 3
Loves to Dance and listen to music on the iPhone
Loves Harvard - she will give him hugs, feed him Cheerios, and chase him
Favorite Food - hot dogs, carrots, string green beans, yogurt
Favorite TV Show - Dora the Explorer, Mickey Mouse Club
Loves to Dance to Cho Cho Soul with Genevieve
{More Pictures to Follow from her Parties}
Kimber - You are by far the best thing that has ever happened to me and your daddy! We love you more than you will ever know. You bring us such happiness and surprise every day with something new. You are a fast learner and at one you have accomplished a lot of your 15 month milestones. I will spend an hour trying to teach you something and you will never to do it but if someone new is in the room and I am not watching you will show off what I have taught you. You are one busy little lady and love to people watch. We wish time would slow down but we know that is not possible. We have so much fun with you and you make us laugh all the time.
XOXO Mommy and Daddy
We have been struggling with her to stay her crib all night. At December 10th we decided we made the decision to make her stay in her crib. It only took a couple of nights of us sleeping her crib all night. We did sleep on the floor the first week but we accomplished our goal! I'm so shocked at how easy it was and she is now an amazing sleeper! Sometimes I have to wake her up in the morning. She goes to bed at 8:00 or 8:30 pm and sleeps until 6:45am.