Sunday, October 28, 2012

Pumpkin Patch

First Experience as a Flower Girl

My cousin Ashley got married on October 13th and she asked Kimber to be the flower girl. We agreed but we were really nervous because we did not know if Kimber would be walking by then. She proved us wrong and the week before she mastered walking!

Due to the slant of the aisle, James had to walk Kimber down. I ended up walking with Wyatt, the ring bearer.

Here is the beautiful bride, Ashley!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Kimber's New Pose

I mentioned in Kimber's 10 month update that she loves to dance by doing a little bounce. Now we have moved on to standing on our head and shaking the booty! It is so funny!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Tuesday Happenings

Kimber has been extremely clinging the past couple of days so we just assumed she was teething. Yes, we were correct! Her bottom right tooth is about to pop through. We can see the white!

To help take her mind of off her teeth, we headed to the park! There's not much for us to do right now but she does love to swing and James took her down the slide.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Battle of the Bows...

I put them on, she pulls them off. I try again, she throws a fit and pulls them off.

Kimber 10 Months

Look who is 10 Months Old!!! Crazy that she will be a year old in 2 months. 
She has accomplished so much this past month, so here we go -
Eating table food
Saying dada more, will say mama when she is upset, and added baba
Sharing her cheerios - she will feed us or Harvard
Refuses to wear bows or headbands
Learned to throw a fit if she does not get her way
Diaper changes and dressing are getting difficult
Will dance when she hears music (so cute to see her bounce her bottom)
Still no teeth 
Loves her stuffed animals
Likes her books more and more

We struggled with her sleeping in her crib the past month. We would give in and put her in bed with us. With both of us working full time we are just too exhausted. But towards the end of the month she started sleeping in her all night more and would only end up in bed with us a couple of times. We are working on it!

My goal is to go running at least 4 nights a week and little Miss tags along! She loves to watch the kids playing or people mowing their yard! She is so cute in her little zip up with ears!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Kimber's Baptism

Kimber was baptized on Sunday, October 7, 2012 at St. Joseph the Worker in Ozark. We had a great day with our family and glad they were able to be there for this special time in Kimber's life. My parents, sister and grandparents came down on Saturday to spend time with us. 

At the baptism my parents, sister, grandparents, James' parents, brother, and grandma joined us for a private baptism at 9:00 am. We asked my sister to be Kimber's Godmother and James' brother to be her Godfather. They were honored!

Here are some pictures!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Kimber Lately

For the past week, we have been working on WALKING! She accomplished walking from person-to-person with no help which was only a couple steps. She insists on you walking her by grabbing for your hands. Then we got her down to walking with us using only one hand. On Sunday, she was brave enough to take a few steps by herself before falling to her bottom. Then Monday night, she just took off walking across the living room to the front door.

Here is a video of her practicing with her walker!