How Far Along: 39 Weeks
Size of baby: Watermelon...and it feels like one!
Total Weight Gained: You don't want to know
Maternity Clothes: Yoga pants and anything stretchy! It is getting extremely difficult to put shoes on.
Gender: Girl! Kimber Diane Haik
Movement: She has dropped even more and kicking like crazy.
Sleep: Still on the couch, I have tried sleeping in my bed but it is just too soft. I also need back support and the couch helps.
What I miss: I have a loooonnnngggg list....sleeping in my bed, sleeping on my back, not swelling, shopping for normal clothing, having a glass of wine with dinner, wearing my wedding ring.....I could go on and on but I will do without because I know it is well worth it!
Cravings: Ice cream, banana cake, and anything pumpkin
Aversions: Nothing but shopping on Black Friday I had extreme anxiety being around all those people.
Symptoms: Pretty intense Braxton Hicks contractions, however I learned that taking a warm to hot bath or shower before going to bed has really helped.
Best Moment this week: I know she will barely be a month old for Christmas but I order our stockings and put up the tree. I am extremely excited. Also we put the car seat in the car, we are beyond prepared!