Skippy Designs -
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2011
Hold Me Back.....
One of the blogs I follow (In this Wonderful Life) just posted a new giveaway and discount code!
The giveaway and discount is for Little Loves Designs Etsy's shop...check out the cute headbands at
James better watch out because I have already made a list of things I am going to order this week since I can get a 25% discount!
The giveaway and discount is for Little Loves Designs Etsy's shop...check out the cute headbands at
James better watch out because I have already made a list of things I am going to order this week since I can get a 25% discount!
Keeping Up With Kimber - 26 Weeks
How Far Along: 26 weeks!
Size of baby: Eggplant!
Total Weight Gained: I believe I am still at 12 pounds. I go back to the doctor next week so we will see. I hate weighing myself at home so I never do!
Maternity Clothes: Last week I finally broken down to buy maternity jeans and black pants for work. I also discovered that my non-maternity dresses are not going to cut it anymore :(
Gender: Girl!
Movement: Mainly at night or when I am trying to relax.
Sleep: Still sleeping pretty good....besides the fact I get up about 3 times to go to the bathroom.
Movement: Mainly at night or when I am trying to relax.
Sleep: Still sleeping pretty good....besides the fact I get up about 3 times to go to the bathroom.
What I miss: Running! I like to run for exercise and I use it as a stress reliever. Normally I try to run a 5K at least once a month so I am extremely jealous of the facebook post of people running.
Cravings: Nothing so far! I do eat more though.
Aversions: Nothing.
Symptoms: Hands and feet swelling right before bed. I think this is happening because I don't drink as much water as I do during the day. Starting to get short of breath after walking for awhile....very annoying because I am a fast walker which I am becoming slower.
Symptoms: Hands and feet swelling right before bed. I think this is happening because I don't drink as much water as I do during the day. Starting to get short of breath after walking for awhile....very annoying because I am a fast walker which I am becoming slower.
Best Moment this week: James completing the dresser!
The dresser with the mirror...eventually we will hang it above the dresser. We want to make sure of everything before start putting holes in the wall.
I am finally done with the Convention I plan for work!! It consumes my life starting in March. So now I can focus on registering and finishing the nursery. It cracks me up because in some of my outfits I don't look pregnant but people can tell I have gained weight. At my convention which most of the people only see me twice a year would look me up and down to figure out if I was chubby or pregnant. But when I would put on a maternity shirt they would congratulate me and ask questions! I found it hilarious because I would call them out on it. You should never assume a female is pregnant!!!
I am so excited because on Thursday I am going to start pre-natal yoga!!! I am dieing to workout in a class setting. I have been walking and doing a pre-natal workout on home but I can't wait to go to a gym and be around people!!!
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Weekend Update
If you get the chance to see this movie in the theater you need to!
Sunday night I rented Something Borrowed off of Video on Demand. I was so excited to see this movie since I read the book. If you have not seen the movie, don't waste your time. I don't think the producer/director/writer even read the book. I was very disappointed. I recommend reading the book over watching the movie.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Keeping Up With Kimber - 25 Weeks
I am 25 weeks with Kimber and she is the size of an eggplant. Not much is going on besides my feet and ankles are starting swell by the end of the day. It does not help that it is back into the upper 90s again. I was really enjoying the 80 degree weather. I can't wait for fall.
The most exciting thing we did over the weekend was order her crib! We finally decided on one and James' parents were kind enough to buy it for us. We were in between white and espresso. I found a store in Springfield that sold the brand but they did not have the crib in stock, they did have a sample of the colors though. The white was a vanilla and had a lot of yellow in it.
James also painted the dresser and mirror for her room. I forgot to take before pictures of both of them but here are a few:
The most exciting thing we did over the weekend was order her crib! We finally decided on one and James' parents were kind enough to buy it for us. We were in between white and espresso. I found a store in Springfield that sold the brand but they did not have the crib in stock, they did have a sample of the colors though. The white was a vanilla and had a lot of yellow in it.
James also painted the dresser and mirror for her room. I forgot to take before pictures of both of them but here are a few:
This is after the first sanding.
James hard at work!
The mirror! It was gold so we painted it white. We got it from the Farmer's Daughter Antique store in Ozark, Missouri. I am in love with it!
Harvard thinks my Boppy pregnancy pillow is for him so he takes over when I get up in the morning.
He is so cute!
I will post a picture of the dresser when it is completely finished, James is done painting it but we do not have the pulls on.
Nothing much is going on besides I am extremely busy at work. I am finishing the final details for my 5 day convention that I leave for on Wednesday.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
The Life of a Pug!
It must be rough to be a pug. Harvard is my little pug (well he is not that little anymore) however I think he believes he is human. It is probably my fault but how can you not treat him like his is a child! Just look at how adorable he is:
He lives for turkey jerky, walks, and sleeping....
He thinks he is a cat too! He likes to sit on the arm of the couch in order to see how the front door and to wait for James to come home from work!
He is quite the begger, he thinks he needs whatever we are eating. However, I do make him chicken when we have it for dinner. The vet said it was good for them!
In the winter he loves to lay right in front of the heater. I don't know why and it makes me nervous because pugs are not suppose to get very hot.
He loves to cuddle too!
We are trying really really hard to break him of sleeping with us. This week I caved, I just can't say no to that face. Man, will he have a rude awaking come December.
Rough Life...
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Keeping Up With Kimber - 24 Weeks
On Sunday I turned 24 Weeks!!! Kimber is now the size of a Papaya! I feel like I have gotten so big but I know I have a long way to go. I know she is growing because I am so hungry.
• Kimber is having a dance party in my belly pretty much all day and most of the night.
• Yesterday, James felt her move for the first time! Very exciting for him!
• I can't stop shopping for her, here are some of the outfits she has so far:
I can't wait to dress her. James told me I need to slow down and focus on decorating her room, I agree!!
• The nursery is slowly coming together. We have painted the walls, bought a dresser, finally agreed on a crib and glider. I also have bought all of the fabric for her curtains and bed. Sneak Peak of the wall color:
I am not going to reveal the fabric until everything is made! The pictures I have, I took with my iPhone and do not do the fabric justice. I have the 3G iPhone which does not have a flash so my pictures are always so dark.
• Even though James cleaned the carpet on Sunday, we think we are going to replace it with hardwood floors.
• My family and I are huge Chiefs fans. My parents and sister went the Chiefs Training Camp and my dad surprised me with this for Kimber...
So cute!!! I absolutely can't wait to dress my little cheerleader!
• Kimber is having a dance party in my belly pretty much all day and most of the night.
• Yesterday, James felt her move for the first time! Very exciting for him!
• I can't stop shopping for her, here are some of the outfits she has so far:
I can't wait to dress her. James told me I need to slow down and focus on decorating her room, I agree!!
• The nursery is slowly coming together. We have painted the walls, bought a dresser, finally agreed on a crib and glider. I also have bought all of the fabric for her curtains and bed. Sneak Peak of the wall color:
I am not going to reveal the fabric until everything is made! The pictures I have, I took with my iPhone and do not do the fabric justice. I have the 3G iPhone which does not have a flash so my pictures are always so dark.
• Even though James cleaned the carpet on Sunday, we think we are going to replace it with hardwood floors.
• My family and I are huge Chiefs fans. My parents and sister went the Chiefs Training Camp and my dad surprised me with this for Kimber...
So cute!!! I absolutely can't wait to dress my little cheerleader!
Sunday, August 14, 2011
me. a to z.
I saw this on another blog I follow and thought it was cute!
A. age :: twenty-seven
B. bed size :: king.
C. chore you hate :: laundry
D. dogs :: a pug.Harvard
E. essential start to your day :: cheerios
F. favorite color :: purple,gray,turquoise
G. gold or silver :: gold. (really i like both!)
H. height :: five.feet.four
I. instruments you play :: none
J. job title :: communications/event coordinator
K. kids :: a baby girl on the way -- Kimber!
L. live :: Ozark, Missouri
M. maiden name :: Todd
N. nicknames :: J. Nell. Nelly
O. overnight hospital stays :: I think when I was young but I don't remember.
P. pet peeve :: biting your finger nails
Q. quote :: "love the life you live"
R. righty or lefty :: right
S. siblings :: one younger sister -- Jessica
T. time you wake up :: 6:30 am
U. university attended :: Missouri State University
V. vegetables you dislike: broccoli
W. what makes you run late :: i hate being late so usually traffic
X. x-rays you’ve had :: on my left arm and right hand
Y. yummy food :: sushi, mexican, mashed potatoes
Z. zoo animal favorite :: elephants and zebras
Friday, August 12, 2011
Life Lessons from a Dog
I received the following "Life Lessons from a Dog" in an email today. I think we should all try to learn something from them. My little Harvard is so excited to see us everyday and is truly our best friend!
Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly.
Remember, if a dog was the teacher you would learn things like:
When loved ones come home, always run to greet them.
Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride.
Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure Ecstasy.
Take naps.
Stretch before rising.
Run, romp, and play daily.
Thrive on attention and let people touch you.
Avoid biting when a simple growl will do.
On warm days, stop to lie on your back on the grass.
On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree
When you're happy, dance around and wag your entire body.
Delight in the simple joy of a long walk.
Be loyal.
Never pretend to be something you're not.
If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.
When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by, and nuzzle them gently.
It's Friday...enjoy your weekend!
Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly.
Remember, if a dog was the teacher you would learn things like:
When loved ones come home, always run to greet them.
Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride.
Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure Ecstasy.
Take naps.
Stretch before rising.
Run, romp, and play daily.
Thrive on attention and let people touch you.
Avoid biting when a simple growl will do.
On warm days, stop to lie on your back on the grass.
On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree
When you're happy, dance around and wag your entire body.
Delight in the simple joy of a long walk.
Be loyal.
Never pretend to be something you're not.
If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.
When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by, and nuzzle them gently.
It's Friday...enjoy your weekend!
Monday, August 8, 2011
Keeping Up With ........
You may be wondering where I am going with the title of this post. No I am not going to blog about Keeping Up With the Kardashians! haha But I am going to reveal the name of my baby girl!!! I have posted it on facebook and I refer to her by her name when I talk about her but I wanted to make a special blog about the name!
Baby Haik's name is Kimber Diane Haik!!!
Before we started thinking about trying to have a baby I asked James if he wanted to know what I wanted to name our child if we had a girl. He said sure! First, I asked him what he thought about "Olivia" and he said too many people are naming their daughters Olivia. So I asked him what he thought about "Kimber". He LOVED it! I thought he would shoot down Kimber over Olivia but I was wrong. He said "Kimber Haik" sounds good together and that is all he said about why he liked it.
After our ultrasound when we found out we were having a girl, we decided not to keep the name a secret. While we were waiting for the doctor he finally told me why he liked Kimber so much. If you know my husband you may be able to figure it out......his favorite gun is a Kimber 1911. So I told him why I really like Kimber.....I love love love Nip / Tuck! Her middle name is my and my mom's middle name.
So can you guess what the name of the post is???? I going to start doing a weekly update on my pregnancy with Kimber and the title is going to be KEEPING UP WITH KIMBER!
Baby Haik's name is Kimber Diane Haik!!!
Before we started thinking about trying to have a baby I asked James if he wanted to know what I wanted to name our child if we had a girl. He said sure! First, I asked him what he thought about "Olivia" and he said too many people are naming their daughters Olivia. So I asked him what he thought about "Kimber". He LOVED it! I thought he would shoot down Kimber over Olivia but I was wrong. He said "Kimber Haik" sounds good together and that is all he said about why he liked it.
After our ultrasound when we found out we were having a girl, we decided not to keep the name a secret. While we were waiting for the doctor he finally told me why he liked Kimber so much. If you know my husband you may be able to figure it out......his favorite gun is a Kimber 1911. So I told him why I really like Kimber.....I love love love Nip / Tuck! Her middle name is my and my mom's middle name.
So can you guess what the name of the post is???? I going to start doing a weekly update on my pregnancy with Kimber and the title is going to be KEEPING UP WITH KIMBER!
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Weekend Update
Friday at work I made this long to-do list for the weekend and I was even in the mood to get it all accomplished. With high hopes I woke up at eight ready go. I started with the dishes and then organized a stack of clothes that need to be donated to the Plaid Door. I started a load of laundry and got ready to meet a friend at ten to look at fabric for the baby's room. I even ran Harvard to the Doogie Spa so he could get a bath and groomed while I was out shopping.
I got to the fabric at little after ten and oh my goodness.....fabric is very overwhelming. Rows and rows of fabric with so many options it took me an hour to figure out where I wanted to start. Three hours later I had made a decision, bought 1/4 of a yard of each and was on my way to the next stop. Well, that did not happen. I got into my car and basically burned my legs from how hot my seats were. Being pregnant and 100 degree weather don't really mix. Without even thinking of the trunk load of clothes I needed to drop off I found myself driving straight for home. I was starving so I met my husband for lunch and called it a day. I picked up Harvard and we both took a two hour nap.
I did not think I was going to be able to function...haha! But I managed to pull myself together to a little flea market shopping Saturday evening with my husband. We had a great time! I am on the look for a dresser and fun decorations for the baby's room. We did not find anything we wanted to buy but I did find a Moose head that was $2750...I could not believe the price. I love cake platters! I really want to go back to buy these cute little black ones!
Sunday was a pretty lazy day with just hanging out at the house. Probably the most exciting is that I am now 22 weeks! James had to go to Memphis for work so Harvard and I just hung out. I did finish reading Something Blue! I really love this series. I ordered Baby Proof and Love the One You are With on and they arrived today! I thought I would not get them until tomorrow. I am really excited to start Baby Proof tonight.
Later this week I am going to reveal more about my baby girl and reveal her name! I am going to start a weekly post series about her too!
Hopefully I finish my to-do list by Friday just to start the next! Have a good week and stay cool!
I got to the fabric at little after ten and oh my goodness.....fabric is very overwhelming. Rows and rows of fabric with so many options it took me an hour to figure out where I wanted to start. Three hours later I had made a decision, bought 1/4 of a yard of each and was on my way to the next stop. Well, that did not happen. I got into my car and basically burned my legs from how hot my seats were. Being pregnant and 100 degree weather don't really mix. Without even thinking of the trunk load of clothes I needed to drop off I found myself driving straight for home. I was starving so I met my husband for lunch and called it a day. I picked up Harvard and we both took a two hour nap.
Sunday was a pretty lazy day with just hanging out at the house. Probably the most exciting is that I am now 22 weeks! James had to go to Memphis for work so Harvard and I just hung out. I did finish reading Something Blue! I really love this series. I ordered Baby Proof and Love the One You are With on and they arrived today! I thought I would not get them until tomorrow. I am really excited to start Baby Proof tonight.
Later this week I am going to reveal more about my baby girl and reveal her name! I am going to start a weekly post series about her too!
Hopefully I finish my to-do list by Friday just to start the next! Have a good week and stay cool!
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