I've decided to start a blog! I enjoy following other peoples blog so I decide I should have one. Since I live three hours away from my family and most of my best friends, I thought this would be the best way to keep them updated on my life. I love my life so enjoy!
I have been blessed in many ways....so far! I have the most amazing parents, sister, and family which I miss every day. They live in Kansas City and my hometown Wellington but I live in Ozark (which is outside of Springfield). I had the best time growing up in a small town, yes everyone knows your business, but it was a great time! I went to college at Missouri State University (when I started it was Southwest Missouri State University - SMSU) where I had the best time of my life. I made the best friends in the world and learned a lot about myself. I think everyone should move away from home for college! I miss being around friends every day all day long....oh yeah I did get my degree in four years.

Right after I graduated I thought I would spend on last summer in good ole Springfield before taking on a real career but I met James. I ended up finding a job here which I absolutely love and James eventually proposed. He is AMAZING! I love him more and more every day. We have been together for five years and in September we will be married for two. We have the cutest dog in the world....Harvard. He is a pug and I just adore him. I treat him as if he were a human being.

In March, we found out we were expecting a baby! YES, that's right....I thought I did not want kids but things happen for a reason. I am currently 21 weeks and we found out last week we are having a GIRL.
Just a little more about me - I am an extremely social, I love to go out and be around people! I enjoy spending time with my husband, family and friends. I played almost every sport in high school but I prefer to run and now I absolutely love yoga. I believe yoga is great for your mind and body. I travel a lot between Kansas City to see my family and St. Louis to see my girlfriends. During the summer I love to go to the Lake of Ozarks. I grew up going there every weekend so I plan to continue. My husband works a lot since him and his family own their own business, It upsets me at times but he works so hard to provide for our family. I also love wine, beer, shopping, the sun, warm weather, laying out at the pool, weddings, paper goods (weird I know), and much much more.
So, that is a brief summary of my life so far! Enjoy!